Kannada, as well as a distinct actor in Telugu Film Industry Upendra, entered into politics. As we know that he is going to announce his political party named 'Karnataka Pragnyavantha Janatha Party' (KPJ) on Tuesday. Many different roles in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil Film Industry played by him and has experimented with his characters.
Kannada Real Star Upendra is also well known for Telugu films, making an announcement for his entry into politics. The Upendra party made a statement at an event held in Banglore, Gandhi Bhavan. In his statement, he announced khaki uniform to be a dress code for his political party. Upendra said, for those who want to join in their party, no need of money and enough to have new ideas and hard work for people.
He said that this party has set up for public service and the party principles are committed and also his dream is to bring change in the society. His efforts made to address the problems of farmers and students. The impact of money in politics has increased and he said he would fight hard to end it.
Upendra's wife Priyanka also attended this event. Upendra fans have attended massively for this event. On this occasion, everyone wore khaki shirts. Finally, he ends this event emotionally by saying "I won't able to become like MJR, NTR, Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan, I'm like Upendra".
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