Chandoo Mondeti, who was introduced with Karthikeya as a director, later remade the super hit Malayalam movie 'Premam' in Telugu with Naga Chaitanya. After the blockbuster film Premam, again this combo is coming with a movie titled 'Savyasachi'. This film is under construction of Mythri Movie Makers banner. 'Savyasachi' movie is coming with a new and different concept, where the hero in this movie will not have control over his left hand.
The storyline is going to be very new. After the flop of 'Yudham Saranam' movie, Naga Chaitanya is looking to hit anyway at the box office with his upcoming movie 'Savyasachi'. Anu Emmanuel is playing heroine role, Chaitu will shortly to participate in the shooting. Chaitu, currently celebrating his honeymoon in Europe, will soon come to Hyderabad to participate in the shooting.
The film will be very unique in Naga Chaitanya's career. Where the budget itself not being compromised. The wedding reception of Naga Chaitanya and Samantha will be held on 12th of this month. Nagarjuna is already preparing for this event.
The reception ceremony will be held at N Convention, Hyderabad. Their wedding ceremony was celebrated in Goa with guests of 100 people. Now, for the wedding ceremony, they are offering an invitation to all those involved in films, political business sectors in Hyderabad.
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