Robo, the film which has created many previous sensational records in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi film industries. Shankar and Superstar Rajnikanth combination film Robo has created many wonders around the world at the time. Later in the same range, Sensational director S.S.Rajamouli's Bahubali series created many records. Now, Shankar and Superstar Rajnikanth Robo 2.0 coming with the sequel of Robo, arranging to release in front of the audiences.
Recently, the pre-released function of Robo 2.0 in Dubai held grandly. Director Shankar is releasing a poster for this movie. Bollywood actress Amy Jackson opposite Superstar Rajnikanth. Bollywood action hero Akshay Kumar acting as a villain in this film
. Akshay Kumar looks in the role of Dr. Richard has already been released and his gestures are clearly visible in the poster. While the release of Robo 2.0 release date is not yet available, but the posters released by the film team raise interests among fans. The fans are saying that this one poster is enough to show Akshay Kumar acting in Robo 2.0 movie.
Have a look robo 2.0 leaked story
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